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We are all just one small change away from living our dream life. What's stopping you?

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My Dashnex Story

I am a life long learner with a focus on changing the standard of education that reflects 21st century teaching and learning. I have a passion for helping people move forward in their lives in a way that aligns with who they are and what their purpose driven ambition is.

​My husband is from Ghana, a nation that prides itself on a rich history of storytelling. He often teaches me about life through different proverbs and stories from his language and culture. One of his stories of wisdom is that the poor man dies with all of his ideas in his head. He likes to tease me because I am constantly coming up with ideas. It's a continual stream of we could do this, we could go there, we could build that, and he just laughs. His point is that I can have all the ideas in the world but if I don't have any money to bring them to fruition, my ideas don't do anyone any good.

That is why I decided I needed an avenue that will earn me money so that I can focus on my passion. I want to help underserved areas build up their education programs.

In April 2020, a month after business as usual came to a halt, I was sitting by my computer and a dashnex ad came up that said for $17 I could get a license to build a website and an e-store. At that time, I had no idea what I was going to do with my website but felt it was a good first step towards living independent from the ties that bind us in jobs or being employed by others.

Fast forward 3 years and online business has exploded. There are so many opportunities to build income streams through affiliate marketing, drop shipping, e-stores, course development and more. So many people claim that it is easy. They say just click here, here and here and you will make money today. That has not been my experience. It is a lot of work. It is a lot of learning but with dashnex there is a video tutorial for you to follow every step of the way. And then when you don't understand something there is a online chat where you can ask questions, often directly, but sometimes a little later by email. For me, Dashnex has provided the path that I needed to learn how to build my online business and become financially independent.

I am now able to work on my passion for educational reform while also building an affiliate marketing income stream. Dashnex is a platform that allows you to set up your business any way you want. Your ideas, your way. 

If you are interested in making a change and have 30 min to 1 hour a day to devote to your future, you can start today. To learn more just click on the link below; the Dashnex package that I bought for $17 is now $27 which is very reasonable considering how much one spends on coffee in a week. By the way the $27 is a onetime fee that buys you your license not a recurring cost. Get started today and see where it leads.